MANREMYC Probiotics against Tuberculosis (TB)

31 October, 2016

Manremyc is a spin-off biotech start-up with the mission to eradicate tuberculosis (TB) by reducing its risk of development with a unique and revolutionary probiotic (Nyaditum resae® (NR).

Enter in the Indian market , the one with higher number of TB cases worldwide, with a production and distribution partner specialized in respiratory diseases and knowledge of OTC (over the counter) drugs.

Market research was conducted in 2012 in India to assess the opportunity and define the business model. inQuve identified 30 potential partners in India and Malaysia according to several criteria such as: Capabilities to include probiotic products i their portfolio, financial records, specialization in respiratory diseases, and so on.

The project resulted in the signature of a distribution agreement with an Indian probiotic specialist. In 2014 inQuve became social impact investor promoting the vision of the company and pushing to obtain the BCorp certification in 2015. Manremyc is expanding its business through Africa and Asia with distribution agreements signed in more than 20 countries by 2016.

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